
August 2006 Class Dinner

On Tuesday August 8 at 6:30pm Holston 64 classmates met at the Lakeside Tavern in Concord for dinner and conversation. Barbara Cox, Sheila McCollister, Susie Ellis, Jane Smartt, Joy Warren, Brenda Bacon, Karen Dempsey, Sandy Stevens, Sherry Yarbrough, Ed Kinsey, Lyndon Wyrick, Jennifer Logan, Mickey Bowers, Libby Mays, and Walter Fain and a few spouses attended. (sorry but maiden names only here)

It was great fun and a good time was had by all. We made plans to do it again on Tuesday November 7 at 6:30pm at the Riverside Tavern downtown Knoxville and we hope more of you will be able to attend.

Some of us are planning a trip to the Flatrock Theater near Hendersonville, NC sometime this Fall to see Mike Anderson in a play. If you would like to join us please contact Barry Bozeman - aurabass-at- comcast dot net and we will try to find a suitable date. Please update your e-mail addresses to the same address if you can.

Here are a few pictures - Mickey Bowers is sending more and I will post them as soon as I can.
Here's hoping all of you are doing well and looking forward to hearing from you or seeing you in November.

Barry Bozeman

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didnt know about the dinner but its OK as I was in Europe celebrating my 60th (did I just type that number?) birthday. When is the next one? Please keep me informed....Barbara Lesseur

Everybody looks great !!!!!